Monday 4 May 2009


Taken from here, it appears that I've got a lot of things to do before I can say "I won".

Namely, they look like this:

(1) DJ a London clubnight (if you haven't heard my Spotify playlist yet, clicky clicky here
(2) Indulge in a spot of artist promo - preferably music to my liking. See here for further indicators of whether you're likely to come under that umbrella. I'm talking writing your press release, masterminding your campaigns, offering you life coaching and much more.
(3) Starting up a label, singles club-stylee. This is dependent on finding someone with more money than myself but less brains. Probably unlikely to find such a person on here...
(4) Find someone who owns a massive manor house with a garden where I can organise a miniature-Latitude. Preferably, the person would be single, male and beautiful.

Now I'm not being funny (mate) but I'm pretty well equipped to do all of these things; the only thing holding me back is a lack of capital. I've got a Law degree for frick's sake, no need to employ corporate suits at an expense. I know a fair amount of people so am at a headstart there. AND I've got pretty much free reign on a very successful music website. I'm not clued up on artist management (granted, that phrase probably has little application) and I don't appear to know anyone willing to invest in my schemes (yet), but hell, maybe I should go get a loan? Is this crazy talk?

Advise me. E-mail me! Talk to me.

nat.musos AT

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