Tuesday 5 May 2009


I was at a party in a forest, which consisted of two massive warehouse-type spaces connected by a massive log. It looked like this but darker and more red-tinged:

Between the logs there were some small greenhouse things which housed some open bars and a few dodgy characters as well as a wall of LCD televisions. And when I entered the greenhouse, my brain was suddenly (and involuntarily) turned into something akin to this:

Not just common or garden CCTV, but instead, screens showing what key people in a certain acquaintance of mine's life were up to. I could tell you who he or she is but for the 1.5 per cent chance that he or she finds this - highly unlikely, for certain.

Whilst the person is someone who's, well, around, it's not someone I've given that much thought to of recent. Nor do I know that much about these constructs I was apparently intent on following. I'm nothing like the once-guilty Mr. George:

What does this mean? That my nighttime brain works on random selection from a normal distribution? That I am in fact more inclined towards this person than I first thought? That I am as imprisonable as another non-guilty citizen of the world?

The night before that, I had a dream that myself and a bunch of people were singing karaoke in the street. One of them broke their shoe and another got stuck up a tree.

Off to sleep I totter, I'll be back soon doubtless with more Tree Tales for your receptive ears.

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